12 November 2007

Desperate Cries

I appreciate that babies can be difficult, that they can sometimes just cry and cry and cry. I can understand all of that. I can put up with being woken up much earlier than I need to be because my nephew is crying, and it often makes him stop if he is walked through the house, including past the door of my room. I can understand that you may not think about other people in your desperation to make him stop, therefore a bath seems like a good idea, since that often calms him down. Even though the bath room is seperated from mine by a single plaster wall, and the bath just makes him louder.

I can sympathise with your desperation and stress after he has been crying for two hours, all of which I should point out I have had to listen to. I can appreciate that the desperate cries he is making are driving you to insanity because, trust me, they are doing the same with me. All of this I can sympathise with, with my infinite patience.

Now shut the little brat up or take him somewhere else in the house before I brain him! I know he is my nephew but I was trying to sleep, I need some rest. I love him dearly I will admit, but frankly he is not my bloody baby and I should not have to spend two hours early in the morning listening to him scream. I should not have to tread delicately and be polite around you after having put up with this screaming, and tolerate your yelling at me for closing a door to try and muffle the sound. I have every right to try not to listen to him, even if he is ill. If you had not been dumb enough to take antibiotics while you were on the pill and having rebound sex with your new boyfriend because your fiance dumped you then this would not even be my problem.

Now either give me some cigarettes, since I am out, or get him and yourself out of arms reach.

Three hours now, and still going. My sanity and temper will return soon I am sure.


Sweets said...

having had two crying babies myself, i'm sure you sister is probably thinking of murdering him herself by now... i think you should get out of the house for a bit, go buy yourself that pack of cigarettes and smoke two at a time!

******* said...

Oh, he must be a lovely child! I can't stand being woken up in the middle of the night (or day in my case) it takes hours to fall back to sleep. Go have a cigarette and a glass of milk. Or a drink or some sort.
BTW, I've been lurking here lately and put you on my links.
Now go back to bed!

Laura said...

Oh dear god I feel that pain. My next door neighbours had their grandkids over this weekend. Our walls are really thin. Someone is teething.

Anonymous said...

Does your nephew have colic?

Curl up in your blankets and put a pillow or two over your head to muffle the sound.

I hope you get some rest today sweetheart!

Elise said...

ipod! turn up the music and chill out for a bit... x

Mr R Rabbit said...

Fortunately he has now quietened down, and the mixture of a cocktail, therapeutic letter-writing, and swiping a cigarette from the window cleaners has brought me back to sanity.

AngelConradie said...

oh. my. gawd.
rabbit you poor thing... i cannot handle other people's screaming babies- and i know exactly how you feel!!!
so sorry... hope it (i mean he) stops soon...

Simply Curious said...

Maybe those chew sticks will come in handy.

Nosjunkie said...

I have only one question befor I sympathize with your situation.

are you living with your sister or is she living with you?

hope you get some shut eye