08 November 2007

A Challenge to Anonymous Flamers

I enjoy a good argument. Particularly as I usually win them. But I have become rather irritated with people who anonymously post insults on other people's blogs. I am almost certainly much more morally corrupt and probably easier to take offense at than most. So why do these people go for much more well-behaved, much more reasonable bloggers and attack them?

I am sure I am not that scary, but I suppose it is possible.

Anyway my challenge is as follows. If anyone has the nerve to flame me, and put their name and contacts in the comment, they are more than welcome. If anyone wants to flame me anonymously, go for it. I love playing with you people, you tend to have such limited vocabularies and make such lovely fools of themselves.

For anyone else, you are welcome to put whatever comments or questions you want to me, anonymously. Criticise all you want. Insult all you want. Let me know exactly what you think. No flattery or anything else. I am curious about what people will say. Of course, I may rebutt it completely or tear you to pieces, but I still want to know.


La Sapphire Fliteur said...

Hey I read what you wrote as the defendant to the harassed blogger, and I have to hand it to you, very impressive work!

Good to know there is still a few knights in shining armour out there :)

Valley Girl said...

Was someone mean to you?

AngelConradie said...

dude... if i have something to say i say it as myself! and i have no criticism of you rabbit- thoroughly enjoy your blog and your ideas and your opinions! and i look forward to a new story in your library every week!

starsgoblue said...

This is more a question than an insult--what's up with the pink template?

Mr R Rabbit said...

@ Valley girl: Nope, no one was mean to me and I'm rather disappointed about it.

@ Stars: I picked the pink template when I was in a rather silly mood, and slightly tipsy. Since then I've grown accustomed to it, and have yet to find a template I'd like enough to make the effort of changing worthwhile. Besides, it lulls people into a false sense of security.

Anonymous said...

What is there to criticize about a sexy beast as yourself?

Sweets said...

the problem with flamers are, they pop up when you least expect them, i think the fact that a blogger doesn't expect a sudden harsh reaction almost shocks more than the words.

if you're in the mood for a fight rabbit, i'm game, poke poke, jab jab, want me to tackle you?? ok you can tackle me first ;-)